Maintenance and cleaning of shower rooms

Maintenance and cleaning

Please use a soft and dry cloth when cleaning the walls and bottom of the shower room. In case of slight dirt, you can use a soft cloth or sponge with neutral cleaner. When dealing with difficult dirt, alcohol is preferred for cleaning.

Avoid using the following substances for cleaning: acids, alkaline solvents, chemicals such as hydrochloric acid, acetone solvent and other solvents. These substances can be harmful to humans and cause serious health problems.

Maintenance of doors

1. When using sliding shower doors, avoid firmly closing them to prevent damage and fall.

2. Keep the sliding rail and closing wheels clean and periodically decorate using lubricating oil or wax.

3.Adjust the slip roller regularly to ensure easy slip and security.

Daily Maintenance

1. Use pure water for routine cleaning and use mineral water to maintain glitter glass.

2.In case of dirt, use a neutral cleaner with a soft cloth to wipe it down. If there is intractable dirt, a small amount of alcohol can be used to remove it. Avoid the use of acidic or alkaline substances.

3. Maintenance of door reel

.Avoid firmly closing the door to prevent damage.

Regularly lubricate the roller rail using lubricating oil or wax.

Regularly adjust the door roller to ensure safety and easy slip.

Hints and observations:

The location of the built-in shower room should be planned based on the bathroom space before the decoration is carried out.

2. It is best to prepare a custom bathroom with a water supply system and install tiles appropriately.

3. The provision of electricity and wire protection system should be considered before installing the shower room to ensure safety.

4. The design of the bathroom depends on the style and design of the toilet. Common species include angle and one line.

5. The shower room should be carefully installed according to appropriate assembly procedures.

6. The shower room should be securely connected to the construction structure and ensure that it is not shaken.

7. Open shower room should be installed using stretch screws and non-hollow interfaces. The liquid limit in the bathtub should not be exceeded by more than 500g.

8. The shape of the shower room after installation should be clean and bright. Shower doors and sliding doors should be parallel or vertical to each other. Avoid gaps and water leakage. Doors and basin can be effectively closed using silicone material. “
