Bathtub accessories to buy while buying a bathtub

What are the bathtub accessories that should be purchased when buying a bathtub?

When purchasing a bathtub, you may need to buy some accessories and supplies to ensure maximum utility and to maintain your safety and comfort during bathing. Here is a list of some accessories that can be useful:

1. Bathtub Faucet: You need a water faucet to supply the bathtub with water. You can choose different types of faucets in terms of design and water quality.

2. Bathtub Screen or Curtain: Used to prevent water splashing outside the bathtub during bathing. You can choose between glass screens or fabric curtains.

3. Hair Strainer: Used to prevent hair and debris from entering the drainage system and avoid clogging.

4. Head and Backrest: It can add a touch of comfort during bathing and help you relax.

5. Bath Covers: Used to keep the water warm while enjoying your bath.

6. Bath Accessories: Such as shower bars, soap holders, shampoo holders, and cleaning brushes.

7. Safety Handles: If there are elderly or people with special needs in the house, safety handles can be purchased to ensure ease of access and stability during bathing.

8. Handheld Shower: Can be useful for personal cleaning and convenient bathing.

9. Illuminating Lamp: You can install an illuminating lamp to better illuminate the bathing area.

Remember that your accessory needs may vary depending on the type and design of the bathtub and your personal preferences. Choose the accessories that suit your needs and provide the optimal bathing experience.
